Metatron Angel
1. Art Name: 1. Metatron Angel

Seems like it’s been awhile since I’ve been in touch. I hope you’re doing
well and business is good.

We have a book cover we need an illustration for and Eric Williams is a our
first choice.  I’m sorry that the last cover never made it to publication.
That does happen on occasion. It was a shame it occurred on such a stunning

This one also has a religious theme, a singular image of the angel,
Metatron. I know, I had never heard him before, but according to sources in
the know, Metatron is a right up there with the famous arch angels. Perhaps
he needs a better publicist.

Anyway, it’s a 5-3/16 x 8 inch cover, comp is attached. The designer will be
able to give more detailed instruction. For instance, the facial expression
in the comp is wrong, it should be more contemplative than crabby, that sort
of thing.
final illustration by October 24th.


Thank You
Eric L Williams

Contact Info

Eric Williams
2921 Westerland Dr.
St Charles Mo 63301

Studio: 636 493 1223
Cell: 314 503 8827
Email: eric@ewillustration.com
Web: http://www.ewillustration.com

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